Our Mission!!
While not discriminating against other factions of the drag racing community, Black Dragracers.com, was created to be a forum for black drag racers to discuss issues pertinent to them. This web site was established because it was felt that the viewpoints of blacks were/are not adequately represented in drag racing. Items which may be included are: The history and future of blacks in drag racing, contributions to the sport, race teams, race participation, winning of events, lack of sponsorship for black teams, and any other issues or ideas which may be submitted.
We welcome all race fans (and future fans) to strap in and enjoy the 300+ mph ride that has kept us hooked on drag racing all these years. We are committed to bringing you up-to-the minute news, information, status and fun stuff associated with drag racing. We will update you on black American's involvement in drag racing. We appreciate your comments and/or suggestions to make our site the most comprehensive and entertaining drag racing website available. Editorial and Photo Contributions are welcomed from writers and photographers of all ethnic groups (Must be the original work of the author or photographer) however, Black Drag Racers will be our major focus. Black Dragracers.com reserves the right to edit copy to fit editorial content. No payment for unsolocited contributions unless otherwise agreed upon.
Black Dragracers.com is a free, unlimited access publication.
All content Copyright 2009 by Black Dragracers.com, Inc.